Thank You Easter Bunny! Bok Bok

Hello my friends and faithful followers!

On this quarantined Easter Sunday I thought I would share an old Trivia Sunday post about why we call Easter Easter, and where the Easter Bunny came from. There is also a new Easter themed song for today! I thought it would be easier than it is to do this everyday. It’s a little harder than I thought, hence they’re not really happening every day.


I hope you are all well and enjoying your day!

This is from March 27, 2016.

Good morning my friends and faithful followers.  Happy Easter!  Good Passover! Or…..Yay!  It’s trivia Sunday!  Since it is Trivia Sunday and it is Easter, I thought we should look at how this holiday came about.  Not from a theological standpoint, but how we got the name “Easter” and why is there a rabbit.

First, the name Easter.  From  my in depth, no stone unturned, exhaustive research,  conducted this morning using the internet, I have found that there is a pagan origin of this most holy Christian celebration.  I know, huuuuuge shock.  According to the early Christian scholar Bede, (672-735), there was a northern European Mother goddess of dawn and fertility that went by the name Eostre or Eastre.  She was honored on the vernal equinox to celebrate rebirth after the winter.  When Christian missionaries came to northern Europe they introduced the story of Christ by using mythology that was already in place.  The celebration of rebirth was subsequently transformed into the celebration of the resurrection, keeping the name Eastre intact.  There are some that would dispute this, but again, in my extensive research this was the most widely held theory.

Similarly, the Easter Bunny has interesting roots.  The Easter Bunny as we know him, her, them originates with German Lutherans.  The “Easter Hare” originally acted as the judge of children’s behavior at the start of Eastertide.  If you were good he, she, them would bring you a present.  That sounds very familiar. Is it possible parents were just trying to control their children? Hmmmm.  I use the three pronouns because in ancient times it was thought that rabbits were hermaphrodites and they could reproduce asexually. This idea of “virgin birth” among bunnies found it’s way into medieval art and the rabbit or hare became a symbol of the Virgin Mary.

And there you have it.  Go enjoy your Chocolate Bunnies and your Peeps. I’ll be having Colored Easter Eggs because they are Paleo. (2020 Shannon just ate a brownie, and is now drinking wine. Paleo is stupid.)

And now for today’s video!

That’s all for today. Until tomorrow my friends, thanks for reading, be well, and remember to Live Your Dream!

P.S. I adored Lisa! She was an amazing singer! I just sent her a friend request on the FaceBook. I see that she is a Health Care worker, so this evenings 7:00 applause will be for her.

P.P.S. I don’t think she knew I was in a high note battle with her, clearly she was a better person than me.

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